2014 // In October 2014 the solo exhibition ‘Out of Balance’ took place at Percipi Gallery in Amsterdam, bringing together recent photo and video works. The exhibition also included the performance Rewind, which was performed on 11 and 12 October 2014. (Photography: Gert Jan van Rooij)

Small Change (Percipi Version), video, 3’45 (loop), 2014.
Stretching the Cone, video, 2’56 (loop), 2013.  
Short Tubes Make High Tones, video installation, 9’48 (loop), 2013.
It is the Rubbing That Makes the Skin Smooth, video installation (Percipi version), 20′ (loop), 2013.
Tight (photo, 13 x 17 cm) and First (photo, 40 x 60 cm), 2014

Tight, photo, 13 x 17 cm, 2014.

Hanging, photo, 25 x 38 cm, 2014.